Category Archives: Teen

Help is available for those contemplating suicide

The national suicide hotline is 988. Lynne Shine,MSCRC was asked by WKBW how to help [...]

Should students be allowed to use their cell phones at school?

Should students be allowed to use their cell phones at school? Mental Health counselor, Lynne [...]

Mental illness among children intensified during pandemic

Some eye-opening numbers when it comes to children and anxiety. The burden of mental illness [...]

How parents can talk to kids about trauma

7 News speaks with mental health counselor, Lynne Shine, on how to speak with your [...]

Fighting Zoom fatigue – three ways to boost your self-esteem

Zoom chats may have taken a toll on your mental health and self-esteem, and there [...]

COVID-19 Mental Health Challenges for College Students

College students faced many challenges when COVID-19 forced most schools to shift online. Mental health [...]

Tips for Helping Kids Cope Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

Kids and adults are going through a tough time right now. Lynne Shine was interviewed [...]

Politics & Family: Manage the Difficult Conversations During the Holidays

As fall transitions to winter, residents across the country and New York prepare for another [...]

How to Deal With Setbacks and Challenges

We all have to face setbacks in our life from time to time, whether in [...]

Is Comparison Really the Thief of Joy?

Hikers on the Appalachian trail have the motto “hike your own hike”– that is, resist [...]