Category Archives: Parenting

Help is available for those contemplating suicide

The national suicide hotline is 988. Lynne Shine,MSCRC was asked by WKBW how to help [...]

How parents can talk to kids about trauma

7 News speaks with mental health counselor, Lynne Shine, on how to speak with your [...]

Get answers from the experts during ‘Buffalo Strong Conversation: Easing Back to School Anxiety’

Get answers from the experts during ‘Buffalo Strong Conversation: Easing Back to School Anxiety’ Children [...]

Staying Grounded in Trying Times

Even the most extroverted among us have been forced to become homebodies to some extent [...]

Tips for Helping Kids Cope Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

Kids and adults are going through a tough time right now. Lynne Shine was interviewed [...]

Signs of Serious Relationship Problems

Instead of arguing or ignoring problems read the signs and take effective action Good relationships [...]

Five Enlightened Ways to Think About Mental Health

It’s time to eradicate stigmas. Life is hard even under the best of circumstances. Without [...]

Opioid and Heroin Abuse and Addiction Resources

Heroin abuse is an epidemic. It is one of the most addictive illegal drugs, which [...]

Individual and Couples Counseling

Now that we’re settled into a new year, it’s time for many couples to focus [...]

Caregiver Issues and Stress

Caregiver issues can affect both professional caregivers who are paid to provide care to individuals [...]